Muslim World Discovers New Technology

Kirkuk – Iraq
The infighting between the different factions within the Muslim world has been raging for millennia.  Throughout this blood-stained history, the evolution of finer steel as well as the creation of much more lethal weaponry; Swords, axes, daggers, pikes and much more were constantly being studied, modified and upgraded in efforts to make each item even more deadly. This ambition apparently continues unto today.

With the uprising of ISIS within the region the CIA has sent in operatives to find out what developments may have occurred in recent months. This is the first image returned from the Kirkuk region:


At first glance, this image may appear to be something like a night-time infra-red image capture.  When, in fact, this photograph was taken in the middle of the day, in bright sunshine, from a distance of only a few hundred yards.

After speaking to inside sources with first hand knowledge of this rather confusing image, it appears that an “Electromagnetic Disruption Field” caused the digital camera to malfunction.

“All images were sent to MIT Digital Image Processing”, our source tells us.  MIT is using the latest technology in this effort – the Cray Supercomputer by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC), Cray Research and additional computer companies, also bearing his name and/or monogram.

Our source says:  “The result after 9 days of processing is nothing short of astounding.”









When asked, the Obama Administration was rather tight lipped on the subject, only saying:
“We did not know this was happening.”

… To Be Continued in a Sand Pit Far Far Away …

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