Archives for February2014

SaltyTalk Feb 26th, 2014

SaltyTalk Feb 26th, 2014

– Taco Bell for Breakfast?
– Florida judge rules it’s illegal to unhook from the city’s water system
– Butterfinger Cups, we break out the care package from Buzzard Bob!
– Connecticut sends out the first confiscation letters
– Update from Monday – Even MORE Polio Cases in California

and MORE!


SaltyTalk Feb 24th, 2014

SaltyTalk Feb 24th, 2014

– Goodbye Harold Ramis
– Earth 4.4 Billion Years Old
– Is Polio Back?
– Arrest Warrant for Ousted Ukraine President
– 12 Flatulence Truisms

and MORE!

Happy Birthday JoeFromMaine!



Weekend Warmup Feb 21st, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup Feb 21st, 2014

– Colorado making BANK on Marijuana Taxes
– Mike Rowes views on Income Inequality
– KORN's Political Activism Against Dictator Obama
– Japanese Tips for Visiting America



Largest Solar Plant In The World Online In California

Ivanpah, is currently the world's largest group of solar/thermal power plants and it has come online. The plants function by reflecting sunlight at giant towers containing water.  The water boils and generates steam which turn turbines and produce electricity.  The three plants, combined, generate enough power to support 140,000 homes every day.  In order for a coal, oil or methane ("natural" gas) plant to power that many homes for 25 years, they would add 13 MILLION TONS of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The plant covers nearly 5.5 square miles and utilizes over 300,000 mirrors.   Read more [...]

SaltyTalk February 17th, 2014

SaltyTalk February 17th, 2014
Happy Birthday George Washington!

Tom Cruise’s Admission Is Scientology’s Worst Nightmare

  Remember back in the day when those Dianetics commercials first started airing (with the volcano??) and Scientology was all crazy mysterious (as opposed to just crazy)? Or maybe you don't remember those commercials, because you're not as ancient as me. That's okay, because chances are you can still remember a time when Scientology was THE hot celeb cult religion lifestyle trend pyramid scheme whatever you want to call it, right? Well. Ever since Tom Cruise started acting a little ... odd, the church of Xenu has been slowly losing its prestige, with secrets leaking out all over the place in the form of tell-all books and celebrity escapes and snubbed potential spouses, and the latest nail in Scientology's Read more [...]

SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup – Feb 14th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup – Feb 14th, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Welcome to the Love Boat!

SaltyTalk(ish) Feb 8th, 2014 (RadRadioRachel)

SaltyTalk(ish) Feb 8th, 2014

A Short Hello …
Salty Introduces Radio Rachel …

Reasons to Rent a Lambo!

Makes sense …


SaltyTalk Weekend Warmup Feb 7th, 2014

SaltyTalk Weekend Warmup Feb 7th, 2014 I don't post all of our show replays, and when I do, I seldom have a breakdown of the show. Mainly because THIS is the shortlist of bullet points of a TYPICAL day: Jumping Fences 3somes Thoughts of "The Breakfast Club" Failed Hijacking Olympics or Goofing off Midget Basketball (mixed sports rules) RasRadio/SaltyTalkRADIO Olympics Wifi, Tat's & BJ's 10 Types of Friends To Dump Scotty's Shatner Voice Long Socks Trying on Boxer Shorts Kill Switches on Cell Phones Texting & Driving Selfies Cars are Weapons that should be banned Suggestions for New Government Laws (NOT!) Road Head Joeys Big Idea Schedule Changes Invasion Read more [...]