Weekend Warmup – Blog

SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup Aug 22nd, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup Aug 22nd, 2014 Billy Bob Camel Toe Challenge ... Fire Fighters Electrocuted in Ice Bucket Challenge ... Student in trouble for saying "Bless You" ... Marine Vet's Warning to ISIS ... Where in the World is Scotty on His Scooter? Ferguson Cop, Darren Wilson - NO Eye Injury ... Darren Wilson $225,000 Crowd Funding ... Chinese Jet does Barrel Roles 30ft from US Navy Plane ... Off-Grid Cape Coral Woman - Fines and Liens up to $13,000 ... Gardening Chat with The Hinkster! Man Arrested for stealing Golf Balls ... And probably a little bit more ... Thanks for the calls ...   Read more [...]

SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup Aug 8th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup Aug 8th, 2014 PGA Championship Rain ... Rockets fired from Gaza ... US dropping bombs in Iraq - again? Today in History ... Capt America vs "Batman vs Superman" release dates ... Lake Contamination in Florida - oh the Evil Shaving Cream ... BUTT DRUGS!!! Killed / Murdered for carrying a BB gun ... Super Bananas ... NYC District Attorney Uses STOLEN - Stolen $200,000 for campaign ... Sorry Cops! Smell of Weed won't get ya in - in Mass ... Albuquerque Police Department - no more MRAP ? 80yr Old Lady has Intruders IN HER HOUSE.911 tells her - Put Down Gun. Russian Bombers in US Air Space .... And probably a bit more ... Read more [...]

SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup June 27th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup June 27th, 2014

Bachelorette Party Crash n Bury …
Ann Coulter – Soccer Sucks …
Oregon – No Refusal Check Points …
49yr Old Man Buried Alive at the Beach …
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Employees Poop in The Hallways.
Exploding Toilets in Montana …
WalMart complaints about Shane …
Congress Moves to Block Pot in DC …

And a lot more!!


SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup June 20th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup June 20th, 2014 "The Rise of Frank Castle" ... Anthrax & the CDC - Ummm, right ... Drone Strikes in Pakistan ... McDonalds in Iraq? Thanks WAYNE! Youtube Screws Independent Artists Frank Castle from HeistClick - Shares his Input! Pope Francis warns of "Evil" Drugs. Refugees Exceed 50 Million ... Malaysia Flight 370 -- Place your bid! Open Letter to People Who Hate Obama ... And a little more ... Read more [...]

SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup June 6th, 2014 A D-Day Memorial

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup June 6th, 2014
A D-Day Memorial


SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup May 16th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup May 16th, 2014



SaltyTalk’s Weekend Warmup May 9th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup  May 9th, 2014



Weekend Warmup April 4th, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup April 4th, 2014

Scotty Showed Up!!



Weekend Warmup Feb 21st, 2014

SaltyTalk's Weekend Warmup Feb 21st, 2014

– Colorado making BANK on Marijuana Taxes
– Mike Rowes views on Income Inequality
– KORN's Political Activism Against Dictator Obama
– Japanese Tips for Visiting America



SaltyTalk Weekend Warmup Feb 7th, 2014

SaltyTalk Weekend Warmup Feb 7th, 2014 I don't post all of our show replays, and when I do, I seldom have a breakdown of the show. Mainly because THIS is the shortlist of bullet points of a TYPICAL day: Jumping Fences 3somes Thoughts of "The Breakfast Club" Failed Hijacking Olympics or Goofing off Midget Basketball (mixed sports rules) RasRadio/SaltyTalkRADIO Olympics Wifi, Tat's & BJ's 10 Types of Friends To Dump Scotty's Shatner Voice Long Socks Trying on Boxer Shorts Kill Switches on Cell Phones Texting & Driving Selfies Cars are Weapons that should be banned Suggestions for New Government Laws (NOT!) Road Head Joeys Big Idea Schedule Changes Invasion Read more [...]